Crypto: Can you unravel the jumbled snake?
Martin Svalstuen Brunæs - July 2023 (2998 Words, 17 Minutes)
San Diego CTF - Jumbled Snake Write Up
I attended the San Diego Capture The Flag (SDCTF) 2023, a jeopardy style CTF from May 6-8. In this blog post we will take a look at one of the crypto challenges in this CTF, namely, “jumbled snake”. The challenge was fun and a great learning experience!
Challenge Text
Files provided:
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Need (secret) in the same directory as this file
import print_flag
import os
import secrets
import string
def get_rand_key(charset: str = string.printable):
chars_left = list(charset)
key = {}
for char in charset:
val = secrets.choice(chars_left)
key[char] = val
assert not chars_left
return key
def subs(msg: str, key) -> str:
return ''.join(key[c] for c in msg)
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) as src, open('', 'w') as dst:
key = get_rand_key()
doc = print_flag.decode_flag.__doc__
assert doc is not None and '\n' not in doc
dst.write(doc + '\n')
dst.write(subs(, key))
{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}
.=Z4%\E4GDe4 eaZoPpUe:bDMoUEPZGt\ AwbbSUY YX@Wt{ZJZ]Sm1zYF5~ss3RGWKpYz,\5O1@Y7{kn:,%Nm\p@`JJ]bbY @ZE a E\ ^\g/bZZZZE P%EeZ]]>zUDe^E a E\ Y^\ggbbY @ZSp Sl^g/bZZZZ]]]F+
Xf5}IX7|0X17s+XB&N)KXn+(X,O+1qXCQ*)`X7|0]]]bZZZZt\\ EPZY SUY X@Wt{>XXYUSXXZD\ZeUPZ,Ue ZteYZY SUY X@Wt{>XXYUSXX>%oo E^gjm/wh?ZJJZE a E\ ^Sp Sl>XXYUSXXgbbY @ZY SUY X@Wt{^SUY g/bZZZZ]]]y8Pp X %DSlXGEUeX@U$Xz%Mo\XUa EXPp XWtkXYU{8/ZRm:whA~_3>6'Z8DP M\8/j?V]]]bZZZZE P%EeZGt\ Aw>GAwY SUY ^SUY g>Y SUY ^gbbD@ZXXetM XXZJJZ]XXMtDeXX]/bZZZZSp Sl^gbZZZZoEDeP^Y SUY X@Wt{^SUY YX@Wt{ggb
First, we should try to understand what the provided script does. After looking at the code we see that needs to exist in the same directory as, which the CTF author kindly tells us:
”# Need (secret) in the same directory as this file”
I will not go through each part of the code individually, but based on analyzing the code we can determine the following:
- get_rand_key () returns a random key in a dictionary form with following charset:
0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"#$%&'()*+, -./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
What basically happens is that we feed secrets.choice() with our charset and the function returns one input character randomly. This is how we build the key dictionary. I.e., we end up withkey = {'0': 'Unique random character from charset', '1': 'Unique random character from charset', '2': 'Unique random character from charset', '3': 'Unique random character from charset'}...
- subs() takes the plaintext and the random key as an input and performs a substition of plaintext resulting in a cipher text.
We now understand how was created in the first place.
Substitution Cipher
At this point we know that we are dealing with a substitution cipher and we know that we have access to the encrypted output. also gives us a valueble clue that helps us proceed with the puzzle:
doc = print_flag.decode_flag.__doc__
assert doc is not None and '\n' not in doc
dst.write(doc + '\n')
Based on the code above we can deduce that the original must have included a function called decode_flag with a docstring. Subsequently, we see that the docstring is written to the first line of our output file, Let’s take a look at the first line:
{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}
This results in the following
def decode_flag():
"""{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}"""
The Pangram
A quick Google Search reveals the following citation on Wikipedia ““The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is an English-language pangram — a sentence that contains all the letters of the alphabet.” Isn’t that just great? We have determined that we are dealing with a substituion cipher, and we have been provided with pangram that we know was in the plaintext, and we have the resulting ciphertext. If we determine where the pangram appears in the ciphertext we can make a substitution table/key and use it on the ciphertext to get the plaintext. We know that triple quotes (“””) preceeds the pangram, therefore, we can use this knowledge to locate the pangram in the ciphertext.
Finding the pangram in the ciphertext
We can write a python script that looks for all strings that start and end with three equal characters with a total length of 78 (length of pangram including triple quotes):
import os
cipher = [] #Store the cipher once we found it
length = len("\"\"\"{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}\"\"\"") #Length of the search-string.
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) as enc: #Open ciphertext file
input =
for i in range(len(input)):
if input[i] == input[i-1] and input[i] == input[i-2]:
#If the current character equals the two previous.
if input[i + length-3] == input[i] and input[i+length-4] == input[i] and input[i+length-5] == input[i]:
#If the same three characters appears at the end of the string
print("Found the matching pangram!")
for j in range(i-2, i+length-2, 1): #Append each character to an chipher array
cipherstring = ''.join(cipher) #Concatenate for readability
Found the matching pangram!
]]]y8Pp X %DSlXGEUeX@U$Xz%Mo\XUa EXPp XWtkXYU{8/ZRm:whA~_3>6'Z8DP M\8/j?V]]]
Creating an initial substitution key
Now we need to create a substitution key that contains all the characters in the ciphertext, and that includes the pangram with correct key-value pairs. Then we can use the original substition code to decode the cipher text:
import secrets
pangram = "\"\"\"{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}\"\"\""
ciphertext = "]]]y8Pp X %DSlXGEUeX@U$Xz%Mo\XUa EXPp XWtkXYU{8/ZRm:whA~_3>6'Z8DP M\8/j?V]]]"
def get_rand_key(charset: str = string.printable):
chars_left = list(charset)
key = {}
for char in charset:
val = secrets.choice(chars_left)
key[char] = val
assert not chars_left
return key
key = get_rand_key()
for i in range(len(pangram)):
key[ciphertext[i]] = pangram[i]
def subs(msg: str, key) -> str:
test = ''.join(key[c] for c in msg)
return test
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input.enc')) as enc, open('prototypedecoded.dec', 'w') as dec:
dec.write(subs(, key))
Deducing unknown key-value pairs based on semi-decoded output
The resulting prototypedecoded.dec shows the following:
5z usrbinenv python3!import base64!!coded_flag s "c2ajdO"7PP91bl/hdjns"'afdygz^3nuE2shf9ss"!!def reverse.s[:! return "".join.reversed.s[[!!def check.[:! """O~C_r"#1_y
_ayP~_iuE8/_^~]_n'~aL_gJ 89_y
"""! assert decode_flag.__doc__ is not none and decode_flag.__doc__.upper.[[2:45] ss reverse.check.__doc__[!!def decode_flag.code[:! """{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}"""! return base64.b64decode.code[.decode.[!!if __name__ ss "__main__":! check.[! print.decode_flag.coded_flag[[!
We see that parts of the chiphertext is successfully converted to plaintext, but that our key is not complete. We can fill in the blanks by looking at common used characters such as ‘space’, ‘lineshift’, etc. to deduce the missing key value pairs for substitution. I.e. by updating key-value pair from ‘b’:’!’ to ‘b’:’\n’ increases the readability by adding line shift. Doing the same for ‘()’, ‘N’, and ‘=’ gives the following output, that offers better readability:
5z usrbinenv python3
import base64
coded_flag = "c2ajdO"7PP91bl/hdjNs"'afdygz^3NuE2shf9=="
def reverse(s):
return "".join(reversed(s))
def check():
_ayP~_iuE8/_^~]_N'~aL_gJ 89_y
assert decode_flag.__doc__ is not None and decode_flag.__doc__.upper()[2:45] == reverse(check.__doc__)
def decode_flag(code):
"""{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}"""
return base64.b64decode(code).decode()
if __name__ == "__main__":
We see that this code when properly decoded will decode the coded_flag and print it. The check() function’s docstring is still all scrambled up, but the function itself reveals
and decode_flag.__doc__.upper()[2:45] == reverse(check.__doc__)
Which means that check() becomes:
def check():
assert decode_flag.__doc__ is not None and decode_flag.__doc__.upper()[2:45] == reverse(check.__doc__)
The last crucial stage is to make sure that the coded_flag is propely decoded. Up until now our key only contains a lower case pangram, but now that we know that check() contains the same pangram (only reversed) with capital letters, this should be added to our key. This is done in the same way as the first pangram (see code in bottom of post for details).
Now, the prototypedecoded.dec looks to be completely decoded. Let’s test it!
import base64
coded_flag = "c2RjdGZ7VV91blJhdjNsZWRfdEgzX3NuM2shfQ=="
def reverse(s):
return "".join(reversed(s))
def check():
assert decode_flag.__doc__ is not None and decode_flag.__doc__.upper()[2:45] == reverse(check.__doc__)
def decode_flag(code):
"""{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}"""
return base64.b64decode(code).decode()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Success! We have unraveled the jumbled snake.
Complete Source Code
import os
import string
import secrets
cipher = quick Goo[] #Store the cipher once we found it
#length = len("\"\"\"{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}\"\"\"") #Length of the search-string.
length = len("\"\"\"GOD_YZAL_EHT_REVO_SPMUJ_XOF_NWORB_KCIUQ_EHT\"\"\"") #Length of the search-string.
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) as enc: #Open ciphertext file
input =
for i in range(len(input)):
if input[i] == input[i-1] and input[i] == input[i-2]:
#If the current character equals the two previous.
if input[i + length-3] == input[i] and input[i+length-4] == input[i] and input[i+length-5] == input[i]:
#If the same three characters appears at the end of the string
print("Found the matching pangram!")
for j in range(i-2, i+length-2, 1): #Append each character to an chipher list
cipherstring = ''.join(cipher) # Concatenate for readability
cipher = []
pangram = "\"\"\"{'the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog': 123456789.0, 'items':[]}\"\"\""
ciphertext = "]]]y8Pp X %DSlXGEUeX@U$Xz%Mo\XUa EXPp XWtkXYU{8/ZRm:whA~_3>6'Z8DP M\8/j?V]]]"
ciphertext1 = """F+
def get_rand_key(charset: str = string.printable):
chars_left = list(charset)
key = {}
for char in charset:
val = secrets.choice(chars_left)
key[char] = val
assert not chars_left
return key
key = get_rand_key()
for i in range(len(pangram)):
key[ciphertext[i]] = pangram[i]
def subs(msg: str, key) -> str:
test = ''.join(key[c] for c in msg)
return test
keymod = {'0': '\r', '1': 'a', '2': '`', '3': '9', '4': '\x0b', '5': '"', '6': '0', '7': 'y', '8': "'", '9': 'T', 'a': 'v', 'b': '\n', 'c': '0', 'd': 'G', 'e': 'n', 'f': 'r', 'g': ')', 'h': '5', 'i': 'Q', 'j': '[', 'k': 'z', 'l': 'k', 'm': '2', 'n': '^', 'o': 'p', 'p': 'h', 'q': 'L', 'r': ';', 's': 'P', 't': 'a', 'u': '\x0c', 'v': '+', 'w': '4', 'x': 'j', 'y': '{', 'z': 'j', 'A': '6', 'B': 'i', 'C': 'g', 'D': 'i', 'E': 'r', 'F': 'O', 'G': 'b', 'H': 'x', 'I': '1', 'J': '=', 'K': '/', 'L': 'H', 'M': 'm', 'N': 'E', 'O': "'", 'P': 't', 'Q': 'J', 'R': '1', 'S': 'c', 'T': 'N', 'U': 'o', 'V': '}', 'W': 'l', 'X': '_', 'Y': 'd', 'Z': ' ', '!': 'm', '"': '3', '#': '&', '$': 'x', '%': 'u', '&': 'u', "'": ',', '(': ']', ')': '8', '*': '\t', '+': '~', ',': 'N', '-': '@', '.': '5', '/': ':', ':': '3', ';': '=', '<': 'B', '=': 'z', '>': '.', '?': ']', '@': 'f', '[': '>', '\\': 's', ']': '"', '^': '(', '_': '8', '`': '9', '{': 'g', '|': '\n', '}': '#', '~': '7', ' ': 'e', '\t': 'q', '\n': 'C', '\r': 'q', '\x0b': 'w', '\x0c': 'y'}
for i in range(len(pangram1)):
keymod[ciphertext1[i]] = pangram1[i]
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input.enc')) as enc, open('prototypedecoded.dec', 'w') as dec:
dec.write(subs(, keymod))